You usually do not earn vacation when you are absent from work. In some cases, absence is still based on vacation pay, and they are entitled to vacation pay.
Reasons for absence that are grounds for vacation pay
To get paid vacation (salary during the vacation), you must first have earned it. If you are absent from work, you can, in some cases, despite the absence, still, be able to include that time as a basis for receiving vacation pay. Examples are if you are ill or on parental leave for a limited period of time.
In this table, there are different reasons for vacation pay-based absence from work during the earning year. (The earning year counts in most cases from April 1 to March 31 of the following year but can also be from January unti December.
Cause of absence
The extent of vacation pay-based absence
1. Illness 180 days per earning year. The right ceases after an uninterrupted absence for an entire earning year.
2. Occupational injury The entire earning period without limitation. The right ceases after uninterrupted absence for an entire earning year.
3. Parental leave in connection with the birth or adoption of a child For each parent for 120 days or for a single parent for 180 days per child.
- Leave with pregnancy benefit 50 days (60th to 11th day before expected birth).
- Care of children in case of illness or infection in the child, in case of illness or infection in the child's regular guardian, and when visiting the community's preventive child health care For each parent for 120 days, or for single parent for 180 days, per year of service for care of children under 12 years (16 years if the child has, for example, a disability). In the case of the guardian's illness, however, a maximum of 60 days.
- Temporary parental leave in connection with the birth of a child 10 days per child.
4. Leave in case of risk of transmission of infection 180 days per earning year.
5. Leave for reimbursable sign language training and leave for trade union and related training 180 days per earning year.
6. Leave due to basic education or refresher education according to the law on total military service Maximum 60 days per earning year.
7. Leave for basic Swedish language instruction for immigrants (sfi) To the extent required by the education. The guideline value in the ordinance on sfi is 525 hours.
8. Leave for care of close relatives 45 days per earning year.
How vacation pay-based absence is calculated
The different types of vacation pay-based absence apply independently of each other. This means that several different types of absences can occur during the same earning year. The vacation pay-based time then becomes the sum of the periods.
The periods of vacation pay-based absence are counted calendar-wise, which means that all calendar days from the first to the last day of an absence period will be counted.