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  • Writer's pictureMikael Magnusson

Employment Law in June 2022

This is an update regarding the Swedish Employment Act 1980:82, "LAS", which is under development. The first changes take effect 29/6.

Changes on the 29/6 & 30/6 - 2022 The first changes to LAS are being implemented in just a couple of days. This is a pretty small update where Sweden is harmonizing legislation with the EU.

The gist of this update:

  • Employers now need to provide additional specific information to employees when the employment begins, and or upon request by your current employees

Most of that information was already mandatory by previous Swedish legal praxis or law but there are a few additions.

LAS Update 2022

Background One of the most dominant laws in Swedish employment law is the Employment Protection Act, 1982:80 (Sw. Lagen om Anställningsskydd, 1982:80. Hereafter: “LAS”). It has been revised over time since its introd

uction in 1982 and in May 2022 some additional changes were decided upon. The changes are coming into effect in 2 stages: Stage 1: 29/30th of June 2022 This is a reasonably small update:

  • Employers need to provide additional specific information to employees when the employment begins, and or upon request by your current employees

  • Managing Directors are now also covered by some parts of LAS (though still not the rules regarding termination)

  • Employers can only deny an employee parallell employment if it is harmfully competing or damaging their performance

Specific information to include The specific information that now need to be included is defined in LAS § 6c: (The below is an informal translation, review the original text for accurate reading)

  1. The name and adress of both employer and employee, the starting date of the employment as well as location of the workplace, or, if there is no fixed location for the workplace, information about that the work is to be conducted in multiple workplaces or at a location chosen by the employee

  2. A short specification or description of the employees tasks and title

  3. If the employment is a fixed position (Swedish: tillsvidareanställning), over a limited time or subject to probation, as well as:

    1. For fixed employment: Resignation periods and conditions

    2. For limited employment: The end date of the employment or the conditions determining the ending of the employment and the what type of limited employment it is,

  1. For probation: The length of the probation and, if applicable, the terms of the probation

  1. Initial salary and other benefits, separately presented and how often as well as how the salary is to be paid

  2. The length of a normal workday or work week for the employee. If this is impossible to determine due to how the employer distributes the working hours: Another time measurement describing the scope of the employment

  3. If any extra remuneration is to be paid for overtime or extra work

  4. The shortest time frame for altering the “ordinary working hours” as well as, if applicable for “on call duty” and:

    1. That those hours will vary between days

    2. Rules for changing shifts

  1. If the employee is rented to another company by a staffing agency: The name and adress of the company where the employee is to work

  2. Information on if the employee has the right to any training by the employer

  3. The length of the employee’s paid vacation

  4. The rules regulation the termination of the employment for both parties

  5. That employment fees are being paid to the Swedish state for this employment as well as information about the relevant protections for social security supplied by the employer

  6. If applicable, what collective agreement is applied

Stage 2: 1st October 2022 This is a significantly bigger change containing a number of updates to some degree redefining the relationship between employers and employees in Sweden. We will update this post with more information about this change once we have had time to speak to a few more experts on the topic. In short:

  • It will be easier to terminate employments on the initiative of the employer

  • Any employer may exclude up to 3 employees from the “last in first out”-principle during a redundancy

  • Employers are obliged to offer fixed term employment after 12 months of temporary contracts (more specifics apply)

  • If the termination of an employment is appealed, the employment is still terminated. Previously, an employee remained employed during the appeal process.

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